WAME eLearning Program Privacy Policy


  • The World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit voluntary association of editors of peer-reviewed medical journals from countries throughout the world who seek to foster international cooperation among and education of medical journal editors. Membership is free.
  • The WAME eLearning Program (eLP) is designed to help medical journal decision-making editors, editorial staff members, and others learn the duties, responsibilities, and tasks involved in medical journal editing. The eLP is available free of charge.
  • Learners are individuals who register an account with the WAME eLP.
  • The eLearning Program Director is a WAME Member appointed by the WAME Board to administer the eLearning Program. The eLP Director is Margaret Winker, MD.
  • The eLP International Advisory Committee are WAME Members tasked with advising the eLearning Program Director and peer reviewing the eLP Module content, listed here: https://wame.org/wame-elearning-program.php
  • WAME Board Members are listed here: https://www.wame.org/wame-executive-board-and-committees
  • WAME Members are individuals who have been accepted as Members by the WAME Membership Committee according to the WAME Membership Criteria (the WAME Membership list is accessible to Members only).

Personal data - We collect the following personal information from those who register on the eLearning Program site as Learners:

  • Name
  • email
  • Advanced degree(s)
  • Affiliation (name of journal or other affiliation)
  • Role (position at journal or other role)
  • Years in role
  • Country of residence

We collect this information to learn who is taking our course, from what types of journals, and from what regions of the world. This information also helps us determine whether Learners are WAME Members. This information is accessed only by the site administrators and the WAME Board members responsible for issuing WAME Certificates of Commendation and administering the WAME eLP Discussion Group. This information may be used in aggregate to report on the characteristics of eLP Learners but all information is anonymized.

We retain Learner information on the sections and modules completed, Learner comments, Pretest and Posttest results, and Learner feedback. This information is used to assess the effectiveness of the eLearning Program and ways to improve it. The information is also used to verify learners’ eligibility for Certificates of Completion and the Certificate of Commendation.

This information may be compiled and analyzed for eLP reports, but results are aggregated and reported anonymously.

Learners may be given the opportunity to sign up for eLearning Program updates, with the opportunity to opt out at any time.

The site may use temporary cookies to facilitate user experience. Any information from such cookies is not retained beyond the user session.

Data processing - Data processing is handled by the WAME eLP Director or designated individuals who are current or past WAME Board members. Processing may include but is not limited to collecting, organizing, structuring, storing, using, or erasing (e.g., in the case of robot-generated fake enrollees) data.

Data controller - The WAME Board and eLearning Program Director determine the types of analyses performed on the data, with input from the WAME Board as requested. WAME does not use a third party to process personal data.

World Association of Medical Editors

Chicago, IL, USA
Contact email: [email protected]
Effective date: July 1, 2023
Licensing and reuse: the WAME eLearning Program is ©2023 WAME (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)