The WAME Listserve is an e-mail discussion group available to Members only; individuals are added to the listserve when they are accepted for WAME Membership.
Rules for Listserve Use
The WAME Listserve is an essential and valuable means of communication among WAME Members. It is designed to facilitate discussion and sharing of information about issues in medical editing and peer review. It is not to be used for commercial or self-promotional purposes, political debate or position statements, or employment announcements.
- Conflicts should be resolved in personal emails, not in responses to the entire List. Do not post messages containing defamatory, abusive, profane, or offensive language, do not "flame" individuals, and do not use all upper case letters when writing -- this is seen as shouting.
- Do not quote or forward other people's comments without their permission.
- All comments should protect the anonymity of individual authors, reviewers, and editors.
- Label messages clearly.
- Do not announce conferences, journals, and the like via the listserve. To post information about an upcoming conference, contact WAME for posting on Meetings.
- Do not submit surveys or other forms of research directly to the listserve. The WAME Board must approve all such submissions beforehand.
- Refrain from over-using the List; do not add comments that do not add substantively to the discussion. Specific comments should be sent to individuals if they do not further the discussion for the entire group.
- Inappropriate use of the list decreases its usefulness to all. If an individual does not follow the WAME Listserve Code of Conduct, and continues to violate it and the Netiquette rules below, despite being so informed by WAME, WAME will remove the individual from the List for a minimum period of 2 years. In the event of any repeat violation after reinstatement, removal will be permanent.
From the National Library of Medicine’s Netiquette information:
- DO keep postings on the specified discussion topics of that particular list.
- DO search the list archives prior to posting a question to prevent repeat questions.
- DO identify yourself. Include your name and institution, if appropriate.
- DO use descriptive subject lines.
- DO send messages in plain text only as some subscriber's email systems cannot handle rich-text or HTML mail.
- DO keep your messages brief when posting to a list.
- DO quote relevant parts of the message when responding to a message, but DO NOT resend the entire original message.
- DO be careful when using humor in your messages.
- DO NOT be critical of other's queries posted to the list. Send a private message and gently make suggestions for future postings, if appropriate.
- DO NOT post any materials protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner.
- DO NOT post test messages to the list. Contact the list owner for assistance, if you have a problem posting.
- DO NOT send messages with little or no meaningful content, such as "I agree!", to the entire list. Send this type of reply to the sender of the original posting.
All Members of WAME are automatically signed on to WAME's discussion list. Please add the listserve email ( to your approved email list to prevent WAME listserve emails from being caught in your spam filter.
Access your WAME Listserve account via Google Groups
Members may change their subscription preferences or view past listserve discussions by logging into their Google Groups account. The email address for Google Groups and the WAME Listserve must be identical. If they are not, you can
(1) create a new Google group account with your WAME Listserve email
(2) contact Margaret Winker to update your WAME Listserve email.
Receive a Listserve Digest
Scroll over the person icon in the upper righthand corner ("My settings"). Click on the top link ("Membership and email settings"). Select "Email delivery preference" and update your preferences.
If you cannot change your email preference, please contact Margaret Winker and indicate whether you wish to receive one of the following:
Abridged Email: one summary email of new activity per day
Digest Email: up to 25 full new messages in a single email (explanation provided here)
No email: web-only participation
Changing your e-mail address
If you change your e-mail address, please contact Margaret Winker to ensure that you continue to be included in the Listserve. Please also update your email in your Member profile on the WAME site.
"If you're having trouble signing in or seeing emails from your groups, try these solutions: - Clear your browser's cache and cookies. - Check that you're signed in with the correct email address. - Make sure you're an active member." [You are listed as]
Not getting group emails
The WAME Listserve is hosted on Google Groups. Google offers the following advice if you are not receiving emails. (If you have additional questions, contact Margaret Winker, Listserve Administrator.)
1. If you're having trouble signing in or seeing emails from your groups, try these solutions: - Clear your browser's cache and cookies. - Check that you're signed in with the correct email address. - Make sure you're an active member
2. If you’re not getting emails from the listserve, check your email delivery setting.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- On the left, click My membership settings.
- For Subscription, choose an option:
- Each email—Messages are sent individually as they’re posted to the group.
- Digest—Up to 25 complete messages are combined into single emails and sent daily.
- Abridged—Summaries of up to 150 messages are combined into single emails and sent daily.
- No email—Messages from the group are not sent.
To receive abridged summaries or digests of a group’s messages, you must turn on conversation history for the group.
- Click Save changes.
You can also join the group with an email account from another email service.
Another possible cause is an email block. Some email services block mail from Google Groups. You can turn off the block feature within your email provider to remove the block.